
zi016 基督徒练瑜伽的危机!

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朋友们,星期三我参加了一个由前瑜珈老师蔡宝顺(译名)女士所主讲的讲座, 她起初从教导瑜伽中赚取很多很多的钱,但是她后来卖了她那瑜伽中心,并断绝了一切和瑜伽的关系。 讲座中,她敦促我们通知所有的亲戚朋友,家庭成员等, 千万不要参与任何有关瑜伽的活动。对于那些已经学习了瑜伽,或者学习中的人,无论是热瑜珈(Hot Yoga),力量瑜珈(Power Yoga)等等,你需要忏悔,请求上帝的宽恕。

许多人声称,他们学习瑜伽只为健康或健身,所以只是作一些瑜伽动作,没有冥想。 很多基督徒就是持有这种想法,他们认为参加了这么久都没有出现任何问题,所以只要不参与冥想或禅修的那部分, 就没有问题。

蔡女士解释说,瑜伽源自印度教,它的中心就是昆达里尼之灵(the spirit of Kundalini),昆达里尼之灵就是蛇或眼睛蛇(spirit of snake or cobra)。 瑜伽的动作实际上是仿效动物的动作,如骆驼和兔子,这些动作看来很正常,无害,拉伸和健身的运动。 但危险的是,一旦人作了这样的姿势后,昆达里尼(卷曲蛇)的灵,就会被唤来。 正如人从瑜伽基础班到中级,再进入高级瑜伽的课程,虽然仍然没有冥想的部分,但是卷曲蛇将会被激发得越来越激昂。


首先是肚脐,最后的中心部分是两个眉毛的中间,众所周知那叫做第三只眼(天眼),若那灵被激昂到最后的中心,第三眼睛将被打开。 这时,人第一件事就会看见邪灵,一些人将成为疯狂,因看到一个可怕的魔鬼。 对于另外一些人来说,他们并不感到害怕,因为可以得到一些神秘的力量,可以预测别人的健康,问题和运程等等, 像个算命人,事实上,他们是在操纵和控制其他人,冥想是一个很神秘的东西。

蔡女士说,有一对夫妇翻查黄页而联络上她,说想教她一些有关瑜珈新的东西。 听了他们的介绍后,她非常渴望去学习,因此安排在星期六去上课。 她被教导学会打坐,但是必须在午夜过后,清晨的时候做。于是,她就去尝试。 她真的感觉到得有股力量在她的肚子里面蠕动!她还提到,她的第三只眼已经打开,她还可以看到自己的光环(人类的电子磁场) 。

最后,她的转折点在于上帝打开她属灵的眼睛,她看到一位被鬼附的女士,蠕动得像一条蛇那样在地板上。 蔡女士感谢上帝的奇妙救赎恩典,她需要1到2周的时间来被赶鬼。 她知道有一位女士,用了3个月的时间来被赶鬼作洁净工作!

这是一个悲哀的事情,瑜伽甚至还有儿童瑜伽课程。 在美国,有一间基督教卫理公会开始了基督教瑜伽,有一些信徒今天仍然在继续学习, 因为他们说做了瑜伽3年以来,没有受到任何的伤害。 蔡女士说,学习瑜伽让我们的灵魂处在非常危险之中, 邪恶的灵会尽一切办法,设陷阱来陷害和捆绑基督徒。

有人在课堂上提出了一个问题:如果我们有圣灵在我们身上,如何昆达里尼之灵会被唤来? 蔡女士回答说,我们的上帝是一个圣洁的上帝,圣灵将悲痛的离开,上帝不能被戏弄。上帝的灵离开扫罗王,因为他不顺从上帝。对上帝而言,行巫术就是背叛神的灵。



Ho Yun Kiong (Su Kiong)

Please read testimony below about yoga. HI friends, On Wednesday, I attended a talk by an ex-yoga teacher, Mdm PohShon Choy, who sold her yoga centre (earning lots of money giving yoga lessons) and severed all ties with yoga.  She urges us to inform relatives, friends, Family members, etc.,  NOT to get involved at all. For those who had taken up yoga lessons (hot yoga, power yoga, so on), repent and ask God for forgiveness.

Many claimed that they only join to keep fit, only doing the exercise poses and not meditation.

Christians think it is ok so long as they don’t participate in the Meditation part.  Mdm Choy explains that the central of Yoga (originated from Hinduism) is the spirit of Kundalini (spirit Of snake or cobra). Yoga poses are actually animal poses (e.g. camel, rabbit,). All these look very normal and harmless, stretching and exercising. But the danger is, once a person does such poses, the spirit of Kundalini (the snake is in a coiled position) is stimulated or aroused.

As the persons goes from basic to intermediate to advance stage of yoga lessons (still not meditation yet), the coiled “snake” will be aroused further. It will rise and rise further.

There are 7 centres in the human body –

Starting from the navel. The final centre is the part between the eye brows (known to many as the third eye).  When the spirit is aroused to the final centre, the third eye will be opened. This is called the full enlightenment. The first thing the person sees is demons. For some, they will become insane seeing such horrifying demons. For others, they are not afraid And will have the power to fore-tell other people’s health, problems, luck, etc (like a fortune teller).In fact, they manipulate and control other people. The meditation part will come in very subtle.

Mdm Choy said she was approached by a couple who found Her contact from the yellow pages and told her they wanted To teach her new things about yoga. She was very keen and Sat under their teaching. She learnt how to meditate and it must be done in odd hours of the day (past midnight). So she tried. She actually felt a wriggling feeling in her stomach!

She also mentioned that her third eye was opened. She could see her own aura (electric fields in all human beings). Her turning point came when God caused her spiritual eyes to open – she witnessed a lady being delivered, wriggling Like a snake on the floor. Mdm Choy thanked God for being gracious to her, she took 1-2 weeks to be delivered.

She knows of a lady who took 3 months to be cleansed!! It is a sad thing, there is even yoga lessons For children.

In the States, a Methodist started the Christian yoga. However, there are some believers who still continue, Saying that they find no harm after doing yoga for 3 years.

Mdm Choy says it is our soul that is in danger. The evil one will try all ways to ensnare/trap Christians. Someone in the class raised a question – if we have The Holy Spirit, how can the spirit of kundalini be aroused?

Mdm Choy replied our God is a holy God, the Holy Spirit will be grieved and will depart.  God cannot be mocked. God’s spirit left King Saul when he disobeyed God. To God, rebellion spirit is witchcraft. We are not against yoga teachers, yoga students but we are fighting against powers, principalities in the Spiritual realm.

Let’s be on guard, be aware!

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