
zi021 不要将维他命C与虾同吃

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美国芝加哥大学的研究人员,通过实验发现,虾等软壳类食物含有大量浓度较高的 — 五钾砷化合物。

这种物质食入体内,本身对人体并无毒害作用!但是,在服用『维生素C』之后,由于化学作用,使原来无毒的五钾砷(即砷酸酐,亦称五氧化砷,其化学式为 As205),转变为有毒的三钾砷(即亚砷酸酐),又称为三氧化二砷,其化学式为(As203),这就是人们俗称的砒霜!


Taiwan, a woman suddenly died unexpectedly with signs of bleeding from her ears,nose,mouth & eyes. After a preliminary autopsy it was diagnosed death due to arsenic poisoning death. Where did the arsenic come from?

The police launched an in-depth and extensive investigation. A medical school professor was invited to come to solve the case. The professor carefully looked at the contents from the deceased’s stomach, in less than half an hour,the mystery was solved. The peofessor said : ‘ The deceased did not commit suicide and neither was she murdered,she died of accidental death due to ignorance! ‘

Everyone was puzzled, why accidental death?The arsenic is of the U.S. military for carrying rice seedlings H Gao. The professor said: ‘ The arsenic is produced in the stomach of the deceased.’ The deceased used to take ‘Vitamin C’ everyday,which in itself is not a problem. The problem was that she ate a large portion of shrimp/prawn during dinner. Eating shrimp/prawn is not the problem that’s why nothing happened to her family ever though they took the same shrimp/prawn. However at the same time the deceased also took ‘vitamin C’, that is where the problem is!

Resaerchers at the University of Chicago in the United States, found through experiments, food such as soft-shell shrimp/prawn contains a much higher concentration of – five potassium arsenic compounds.

Such fresh food by itself has no toxic effects on the human body! However, in taking ‘vitamin C’, due to the chemical reaction, the original non-toxic – five potassium arsenic (As anhydride, also known as arsenic oxide,the chemical formula for As205) changed to a three potassium toxic arsenic (ADB arsenic anhydride), also known as arsenic trioxide, a chemical formula (As203),which is commonly known as arsenic to the public!

Arsenic poisoning have magma role and can cause paralysis to the small blood vessels,”mercapto Jimei”inhibits the activity of the liver and fat necrosis change Hepatic Lobules Centre, heart, liver, kidney, intestine congestion, epithelial cell necrosis,telangiectasia. Therefore, a person who dies of arsenic poisoning will shows signs of bleeding from ear,nose,mouth & eyes. Therefore; as a precautionary measure, DO NOT take shrimp/prawn when taking ‘vitamin C’.


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